HARRY POTTER!!!!!! seriously, j.k. rowling is a genius for coming up with such goodness for all readers to enjoy. one can only HOPE to create something as amazing as she has. i wish the movies put more information in it, but i guess with books as thick as those, it's hard to put everything in it. however, i enjoy watching the movies. each character has their own specialness and they are cool...first there's harry: sometimes he gets a little pissy and whines, but he's the chosen one i mean, "[he] defeated Voldemort when [he] was a baby, [he] was even awesome when [he] was a baby..."!!! then hermionethe little know-it-all. sometimes (to say it like prof. snape) she is insufferable, but who else is going to figure out how the basilisk is traveling through the school while the chamber of secrets is opened and who else can go back in time??!! then, of course, there's ron...oh ron...he's my favorite. he is so funny! sometimes he can be a little stupid, but nonetheless, you gotta love him. he is the coolest character. fred and george are pretty cool too. they are such twins! if i knew twin boys, that is how i would imagine them to be. finishing...each other's sentences...