Saturday, April 18, 2009

traditions of the ugly Covina High School

every year at CHS home of the colts, we have a Grand Concert with both the band and choir playing. this year it happened to be last night. it was fun and i think that the music program has gotten a lot better, but i am so tired!!! im in concert band, concert choir, voices, and i play the maracas for one jazz band song (it's more salsa-esque). i was running around the whole gym all night! first concert band played-that was fun because we sounded great and i had this totally bomb timpani solo! then men's choir sang one song and after that voices sang-we all hated the first song but we needed it in order to have a full act, then we sang a negro spiritual that was this really beautiful a capella song, then we sang classical music. after that was intermission which i spent standing outside because it was so freaking hot in the gym. then jazz band played-that was the best part of the concert because i got to sit, relax, and listen to my favorite kind of music. then it was concert choir-oh boy don't get me started. the girl next to me did not know her notes and she was always sharp. there was this one song where i had to hit a really high b flat (that is a really high note and even only select sopranos can hit that note) and only this other girl in voices and i were supposed to hit it and the girl next to me tried and holy crap! she was super flat and we clashed. she didn't know how to lift her soft-pallet i think because it is impossible to hit a b flat if you cannot lift your soft-pallet. it was pretty bad. she also made me forget words because i had to concentrate on getting my notes right. but other than that, it was great!!!!

the best part was after the concert when one of the German exchange students came to my house and we watched take the lead. he is the cutest kid ever! we talked about a lot of stuff. did you know that the drinking age in Germany is 16? yeah, crazy right? i actually thought it was 13, but he said that most bars will serve you beer as long as you can see over the counter. but he also said that a lot of people dont just go and get wasted because they can (my words, not his...he doesn't know wasted) they are conscious about what they drink and for the most part they wont drink too much. ive always wanted to try German beer just because i hear its like the best in the world...not that i would.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i totally agree with you because i was there i mean it was kind of boring but i got through it and so did you.the end of the night turned out pretty well.